GUJARATI KANYASHALA was established in 1918 and it is managed by the Local body. It is located in UMBERGAON block of VALSAD district of Gujarat. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 8. GUJARATI KANYASHALA is a Girls school and it doesn't have an attached pre-primary section. Total strength of student is more than 350 girls. The project commenced on 29/05/19 and it took around 6 Months for the completion of the same. On 09/12/19 the newly constructed Building was handover to School management and its inauguration was done in presence of Local Government Bodies and more than 750 people. The building is constructed on 5113 Sq.Ft area, which include an Assembly hall in Ground floor and a Lab at First Floor.
Kumarshala, Umbargam was established in 1918 and is managed by a local body. It is located in Umbergaon block of Valsad District of Gujarat. The school covers grades 1 to 8 standard. Gujarati Kumarshala is a boys' school and does not have a pre-primary section attached. The total number of students is more than 280 boys. Shed structure and pre coated sheet with concrete foundation shed area 50 X 36 sq. ft. about 1780.0SQ.ft has been completed. billets ELEKTRO WERKE PVT. LTD. The new MS structure shed was handed over to the school management on 03/01/2023 and inaugurated by Mr.Chirag Ashokbhai Patel Executive Director of billets ELEKTRO WERKE PVT. LTD. and Umbergam MLA Mr. Raman Bhai Patkar. and local government bodies, corporates, our office staff , students and more than 500 people were present there.